President: Jordan Wrigley
Vice President: Joel Ruden
Secretary: Eliana James
The International Thespian Society (ITS) has been honoring excellence in the work of theatre students since 1929. Thespian troupes serve students in grades nine through twelve, and Junior Thespian troupes serve students in grades six through eight. There are at present active ITS troupes in more than 4,000 high schools and middle schools, mostly in the United States and Canada.
Oregon Thespians has been a long-standing Chapter of ITS and maintains a prominent and active presence at national and international EdTA events.
Each troupe is led by a Troupe Director who is a professional member of the Educational Theatre Association. The Troupe Director is typically—but not always—the theatre teacher in the school. Students earn an invitation to Thespian Society membership on the basis of their achievements in the school’s theatre program.
Membership in Oregon Thespians is automatic, once a school charters and maintains a Thespian Troupe (or Junior Thespian Troupe) with ITS. Complete information can be found at the EdTA’s website:
Students need to earn 10 Thespian points to be initiated into our troupe. These points are earned by working on after school productions as an actor or technician.
Contact Mrs. Wilcox 503-565-4511